Monday, December 16, 2013

See Ya Later, Beijing

When I used to hear of people going abroad for a while, I never thought I would be one of those people. As much as I wanted to do it, I always thought that those kinds of experiences were for the people who were more daring than I. For most of my life I have wanted to teach overseas for a stint of time, even my old barely-put-together junior high yearbook says that I want to be a teacher in Africa when I am older. Now, granted this ambition has changed slightly, but still, I’ve always wanted to do what I just did for four months.

Coming to Beijing was the craziest decision I’ve ever made, but I also know that it is by far one of the best decisions I ever made. I had no idea what to expect, so I tried to figure that out by reading people’s memoirs of travelling around China and by thoroughly reading Wikipedia articles on this city. I’ve realized though that every person’s experience is different, and as much as you try to prepare yourself for something new, it will not be what you expect. At all.

I felt that God was calling me here. I was having a heart-to-heart with a friend in cab a few weeks ago about our purpose for coming to China. I doubted my purpose at times before I came. I talked with my parents about it and wondered if this really was God’s will for the next four months of my life. There were so many obstacles that had come up, and it seemed like it wasn’t right. To others it would seem like these were signs to not go. Just hours before we were supposed to fly out of Halifax, we checked online and found out that our flight was cancelled. You would think this would be a very clear sign not to go. The peace that I had in this decision to go overruled the signs though, and I went to China.

Kenzie, Alicia, and I had many low days early on. There were days where I wondered if it was all worth it or not, days where I actually considered going home. I am beyond grateful for these two women in my life. We laughed together, we cried some ugly tears together, we darted across six lanes of traffic together, and we learned how to use chopsticks expertly together. I am thankful to have come home after a good day at school and be able to share it with them, and I’m thankful that they had listening ears when I had a more frustrating day. I know that God brought the three of us to China at the same time for a very specific purpose, and it’s amazing to have seen the way that our friendships evolved.

I’ve learned how to be more open since being here. I’m not sure what events all led to this, but God has taught me so much about what it means to truly be yourself. I read a book while I was here about the masks that Christians sometimes feel like they have to put on at times. I’ve asked myself questions about the motives behind the relationships in my life, behind the decisions I make, and behind the ways that I devote my time. Does all of this point back to God? God has revealed new truths to me that I think I knew in my heart, but it hadn’t sunk in, or maybe I just hadn’t learned how to apply these truths to my daily living. This passage from Colossians 3 has been sort of the theme of my time here: “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” After helping at a weekend camp retreat with my church, I was driving home in a cab with a few friends, and we were sharing some of the ways that God works in our lives. Someone said that maybe as Christians we focus too much on what we are supposed to do instead of who God created us to be.

This had been something I, too, had been thinking a lot about. My purpose in China is not so much about what I did; it is about learning who God made me to be, it is about the people that I had the chance to meet and build relationships with. I’m not minimalizing the things that happened here, or minimalizing making decisions of what you should do in your life; I think these are important, but who are you while you do these things? Have I reflected God? Am I the person he wants me to be?

We are always making decisions; this is something that I have struggled with. If you know me well, you know how indecisive I am. I am learning about letting the peace that comes in Christ rule in my life. I’m learning about praising him in all circumstances. My time in China has been incredibly challenging and rewarding, and I have felt the Lord draw me closer to him in this time. He has revealed areas of my life that need attention, and he has revealed more of himself to me. It has been surprising, refreshing, unsettling, and comforting all at once.

No matter where you are or what you are doing, invite God to show you something new about who he is. Watch out though because it could be a doozy. You might not see it for a few days, or you might see him reveal it slowly over a few weeks. If you’re stubborn like me, it could take moving to China for four months to finally realize what that new “something” is.

I leave China in eighteen hours. What an adventure it has been.

Going to miss Geetika and Camesha like crazy. So blessed.

Family portrait time :)

Dysfunctional and wonderful
Final Saturday in Beijing with the girls. Going to miss you all!