Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Dear cockroach, you've met your match

I have been very good about not leaving any food, dirty dishes, crumbs out overnight for fear of an infestation of cockroaches. I've had success until this morning when I entered into an epic battle with the most stubborn of cockroaches. I walked into my kitchen chipper as ever at 5:15am because everyone is chipper at this time of the day. As I opened a cupboard door, I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I flung aside several dishes from my sink and saw.... it. A scurrying, unwelcome cockroach. There was no way I was squishing him in the sink I wash my dishes in, so I decided the best method would be to try and drown him by turning on the tap. Needless to say, he quickly scurried out of the sink and along the counter. I grabbed the bowl that had filled with water and started throwing water at him which just made him move faster. He scurried into my drying rack of clean dishes and I kept tossing water at him. At this point, I have water pouring off my counter, but do I care? No.

He then scurried behind a sponge. I kept throwing water at him behind the sponge and then there was no movement for a few seconds. I thought I drowned him. With great trepidation, I flicked aside the sponge, and I swear he hissed at me. He ran away just as I realized how silly it was to fling water at this tank of a cockroach. I clanked a cup down over him. With relief and trembling hands, I went about cleaning up the sopping mess of my counter and soaking up the puddles on the floor. I tossed all my clean dishes that were on the counter in the sink (who knows where he had placed his grimy little feet) and had my breakfast. I hoped that when I went back he'd just be dead, so I wouldn't have to squish him.

But no, he was freaking out! Complete cockroach freakout! I slid the cup along the counter and onto a cutting board (which is still soaking in my sink tonight). I place the cup and board on the floor on a sheet of paper. I grabbed a sandal and released the beast. For a split second I worried that if I killed him, two more would grow in his place; he was just that relentless. The worry only lasted for a second. I managed to get him before he sunk into the floor, disapparated, or got me first.

Tonight, I basically sanitized my kitchen. I've learned two lessons from this morning, just skip the water fight step next time, and never leave a dirty pan in your sink overnight.

(p.s. this is no exaggeration of my first, and hopefully last, battle with a cockroach. I will admit, he probably didn't hiss at me, and it was just my imagination in the heat of the moment)

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