Monday, July 21, 2014

What is this all about?

(I wrote this update last week, and I'm finally uploading it. Sorry for the information overload, but I've finally gotten around to uploading my updates for family and friends)

What a whirlwind it has been. Life is fast, unpredictable, and exhilarating here in Jakarta. We’ve had the chance to explore Pluit Village. The food has been incredible. I think my favourite so far has been the chicken sate. We are moved into our apartments, so we’ve been doing a lot of shopping for our places. My best find was a set of cool canvas prints for the space above my couch that was previously occupied by some slightly unfortunate “art”. This first week has also included familiarizing ourselves with the school, the wonderful staff (I can’t say enough how great they are), and discussing the vision of Sekolah Pelita Harapan International. 

Let me tell you about the organization because I just got the full run-down on it today, and I’m so pleased and encouraged. The SPH coordinator who is like the superintendent, Philip Nash, came today during our morning devotions and talked with us about SPH. First, the organization runs three different types of schools: Sekolah (school) Pelita (lighthouse/spotlight) Harapan (hope) International, Sekolah Dian (medium light/lantern) Harapan, and Sekolah Lintera (small light/candle) Harapan. Each school targets a different audience, thus the different words for light. 

Sekolah Pelita Harapan International
Sekolah Dian Harapan
Sekolah Lintera Harapan

SPH targets the wealthy in Jakarta, and our schools teach an International curriculum in English. The SDH targets the middle class and their schools teach the national curriculum through an international lens in Bahasa. SLH targets the lower class and teaches in the local language in the village schools. Expat teachers can only teach at the SPH schools, and national teachers are equipped (through our teaching college) to teach at the other two organizations of schools. I think one of the most unique things about this organization that I was super pleased about was the vision to provide quality education in SPH, SDH, and SLH. The difference is that each “light” is different because of varying states of influence. A student at SPH comes from a wealthy family, and so they can have more influence on society at an international level. SDH and SLH graduates have influence, too, but it’s on a different level. Mr. Philip explained a key thing though: each school branch has the same Harapan, or HOPE. I love this.

Another interesting fact about the organization is coming up. Paying attention? This is key. The fees and tuition at SPH are very very expensive, but the Yayasan (the organization) is transparent about where that money goes: the Dian and Lintera schools are completely subsidized so that a family at that socio-economic level can send their children to school. How amazing is that? Mr. Philip described it as a bit of a Robin Hood concept.

I think it is incredible that such a prestigious organization in the international education field also has established and continues to support schools for the middle and low income families. The vision comes from the founders who wanted to see quality health care and education throughout Indonesia. I wish I could remember the ultimate goal for how many schools they want to establish in all three branches. I know that they want to establish 10 SPH schools around Jakarta, and guess what? Pluit Village is #5! I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to be a part of such a beautiful movement. 

Finally, here is my absolute favourite fact about SPH. Are you ready? We have the unique experience of living amidst a Muslim and/or Buddhist community, meanwhile showing our students the love of Jesus Christ and teaching them about the call to come into a personal relationship with him. How freeing! 

It is so evident that this is an organization of integrity, love, and commitment to quality education. It is truly blessed. 

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