Tuesday, September 24, 2013


China is sincerely baffling sometimes. Around one corner, you'll see a couple frying up some chicken legs on a makeshift stove. Around another, you'll nearly get trampled by a woman decked out in Prada and whatever other expensive designer clothes she buys. The next, you'll see a dad holding his toddler out over a bush to pee through the big split in the child's pants (intentionally put there, of course). Despite all of this though, I have been surprised at how life has not changed that drastically.

I know you're thinking, "But she's in CHINA!" Surely, there is culture shock. Well, yeah, in some ways: like becoming accustomed to being pushed up against on all sides while on the subway. Who needs to hold onto a handle or pole when you have your trusty Chinese posse invading your personal space?

I think that I was expecting the very worst though. I expected thick orange air that you can't see through, but we've had mostly blue skies. I expected to see snake intestines and scorpions hanging from street vendors, but I've only seen a few strange organs wrapped up in an indistinguishable... pastry? I expected the Chinese to be rude, but they are actually very friendly for the most part. I expected the drivers to be nutty here, but... well, they are.

As Alicia, Kenzie, and I were crossing a busy intersection yesterday, I was reflecting on our first couple days up until now. I think I said out loud: "I'm glad my mother doesn't see the way I cross streets now. I think she'd have a heart attack." We've become experts at weaving. I remember the first time I watched someone cross six lanes of traffic one lane at a time. I was terrified for them. I didn't think I would ever do that, but lo and behold I do it almost every day now.

Just watch out for the tuk-tuks and rickshaws. They're merciless.

Now, don't get me wrong - I'm not naive to think that this is "real China" as people refer to it here. We are very fortunate to be in such an international area that has English signs and peanut butter and real hamburgers. I had the best burger on Saturday from Blue Frog; it may even beat the burgers at Cage aux Sports in Rimouski. This is saying A LOT.

The National Holiday week is coming up soon. Alicia and I will be travelling to Shanghai and staying there for four nights. An adventure off of an adventure. We're taking the bullet train and then hostelling for most of the week while we explore Shanghai. I still can't believe this sometimes, here I am in China just taking off to freaking Shanghai for a few days. No big deal.

Here are a few photos from our long weekend adventures:

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