Sunday, September 8, 2013

Red Beans and Ribbons

We have taken to doing our adventuring on the weekends and I'm loving it. I promised that I would update my blog on my last weekend's adventure but I did not. So I will tell you about it here. We participated in our school's Amazing Race; we ran all over Beijing doing ridiculous things.

I experienced bargaining with shop vendors for the first time. My first time I bargained here in Beijing: desperately trying to get an I <3 BJ shirt for 35 kuai. BJ = Beijing by the way. I'm hoping to also find a I <3 China shirt as that will be more acceptable in Canada for public wear. I did get it for 35 kuai!

After the race, we had a staff bbq in the courtyard behind the school. The next day, I slept a lot :)

This week at school I started taking on more responsibility and leading exercises for the kids and doing some marking. I'm really enjoying the classes that I teach and I'm so fortunate to be learning from two great host teachers. I can't wait for my Base Line day that is coming up as I'll get to teach my own lessons and work more with the students. If you fellow teachers have any Base Line Day tips, pass 'em along!

 Kenzie, Alicia, and I also went on a little evening adventure to the Olympic Village. I love the Olympics and so to be in a place where they happened was such a cool experience. If only I could have been here for the excitement and energy of the real Games. 

Yesterday, we went to the Temple of Heaven for the day. Tourist websites said that it would not take longer than an hour and a half. We were there for four. We aren't your typical tourists - we like to take A LOT of photos. We also had a lot of photos taken of us. We feel like celebrities (or aliens) here. People will follow us until we take a picture with them and it is something I will never understand. If there weren't many westerners around, then sure. But there are lots here in Beijing. Back home Canadians would never do that if they saw a few Chinese people walking by. If you have insight on why they do this, please share.

At the Temple of Heaven, I had an incredible ice cream popsicle. I know this isn't a very travel-related item but it is important that I share that with you. The only bad thing about the popsicle was the little cluster of red beans in the first bite - they put beans in everything here but I never thought I'd bite into beans in my ice cream.

I also discovered my love for extreme ribbon dancing. It looks easy but I was had worked up a sweat by the end of it, but it was so fun that I had to do it more later. Little did I know that I was ribbon dancing in front of the sacrificial altar. I hope this didn't mean anything to them.

Following our Temple of Heaven excursion, we went to the Pearl Market and bargained for gifts and beautiful jewelry. I can't say much about this or I'll give away what gifts I bought for friends and family.

Next weekend excursion: the Mid-Autumn Charity Embassy of Canada Ball that CISB teachers are invited to. We're really excited about this. Wish me luck on trying to find a dress!

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